
    OTF: Working Towards a Stable Society

    Introduction One thing no other politician seems to be doing is looking at the whole as to what is required for a stable society. Having done so, it is then possible to work backwards and [more...]
  • Conservatives

    Polling Predictions #18

    The start of another week and the sh!tshow continues. The little brown chap is said to be despondent about the reaction to him skipping the D-Day commemoration. Not only does he have a tin ear [more...]
  • 16th Century

    Postcard From The Scottish Reformation

    I have a strange sensation in my trousers while strolling Edinburgh’s Royal Mile arm in arm with Mrs AWS. Behave yourselves. Regular readers will be unsurprised to learn my work colleagues pay me not to [more...]
  • Arts

    Bash 2024 Update

    Bash in two two weeks. Full details on the forum here: Bash 2024 I’ll send out an email in the next couple of days re the Sunday lunch but feel free to email me your [more...]

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